
Monday, 15 November 2021

                                       Hey bloggers!!:)

For the last 3 weeks we have been making animations about kindness and why we should be kind online,with our Cybersmart teacher Miss Taylor. To start off with we played a game called Interland that is about kindness as well. It is kind of like what I made. You should always be kind online because if you send a unkind message to someone they will be really sad. Or if you are at school and you aren't kind on it you will lose you devise for a week and will have to do everything on paper. That is why you should alway be kind online. Bye!! From Zara

Monday, 1 November 2021

South pacific drums

                               Hi Bloggers!!

Today I am going to tell you about South pacific drums. A south pacific drum is a drum that makes a really  loud bang noise that can be heard over all the pacific islands. The South pacific drum is used for births,funerals,or deaths. Also there is a new pacific drum being made by a women called Rachel. The thing that I found most interesting about learning about the south pacific drums is, knowing that they can be heard across all of the pacific islands. 

Blog ya later😁😁😉